Sunday 19 November 2017


Karate techniques demands great concentration to progress beyond the very basic karate techniques.

Although some moves may appear slightly rough and ready, it is important for everyone to keep in mind that competition karate is play out in safe conditions.


In english, Mae Geri is known as front kick as the most basic of the many kicks in Shotokan karate.

Begin by bringing the back knee up and forward.

  • Try to make the heel and toes sparing up in a simultaneous motion.
  • Keep the leg bent and toes pointed forward.
  • Ensure the toes all together. Be careful not to let one toe separate from the others in order to prevent a broken toe.

Position yourself in a double "gedan burai" which means front stance.
  • Both arm slanting downwards to the sides of  the body, almoslt like pretending to be an aeroplane.

  • By doing this kind of techinques, the kick will never losing balance and falling over.
  • Make sure the stance is in low condition.

Once the leg is up in the air, it's time for the kick.

  • Point the ball of the foot at the spot which you want to aim at.

  • This is known as Striking Surface which means it will do a lot of damage if it hits.

Snap the leg forward at the target, while rolling the hips forward.
  • Roll the hips forward gives kick extra power and speed.

  • Ensure the toes are pulled back prior to impact. 

Pull the leg and hip back to the position in Step 2.
  • Snap back is important for several reasons which is the kick more effective, it prepares for the next technique and ensure the opponent do not grab your leg.

  • You should feel a snapping motion. The kick makes a solid contact and then snaps back.

Drop the leg back down to the original Gedan Barai position.

  • Don't wobble.
  •        Keep the "Zanshin" which means keep your eye on your opponent, keep reading the next techniques.

Repeat 10 times, then switch legs.

  • It is important to have ability to mae geri with either leg.


  • When preparing to block an attack, the competitor places the left arm at the side of the waist, with the arm bent, so the fist is facing the opponent. 
  • Meanwhile, at the same time, the competitor's righ arm is raised straight up, alongside their head.

  • Once an attack is launched, the karateka quickly brings the right arm down, covering the face and parrying the hit.
  • The upper block or know as rising block is a defensive move designed to fend off punches and kicks to the head and upper body part.


  • Depending on the flexibility, knee kicks could be used to attack the stomach, groin or even the head of an attacker.
  • This move sees the karateka bend their leg and push the knee upwards into the attacker's groin.


  • The elbow strikes technique in karate is as unfriendly as it sounds.
  • The karateka thrust an elbow into the face of their opponent. It may sound more like a fight technique, but the elbow strike is actually a difficult move to master.
  • It consist of a quick upward jab but it is easily blocked if delivered too slow.
  • During competition, it's a must to keep the power of an elbow strike in moderation as a careless blow could break the opponent's cheek bone.


  • The 'palm-heel strike' describes a sudden, thrusting jab that is aimed at an opponent's head.
  • This offensive moves shows that the karateka launch an upward, straight-arm punch and hitting the attacker's face with the base of the palm.
  • Although eaily blocked if delivered too slowly, palm-heel strikes can offer a suprise attack in the karateka's arsenal.


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